Yellow Corn

Yellow Corn

We put your order into our tight production schedule, ensure your punctual delivery time.
Production / inspection report before your order packed.
Shipping notice/ insurance to you as soon as your order is shipped.

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • No Hassle Refunds
  • Secure Payments


Buy Yellow Corn

Product Name FD corn
Commodity Yellow maize
Admixture 1.5 % max
Color Yellow normal
Moisture 14 % max
Broken kernels 5 % max
Aflatoxin 20 PPB max
Protein 8 % min
Discolored 3 % max
Foreign Materials 0.5 % max
Damaged Grains 1.5% max
Test Weight -68kg/HI
TDK 5 % max
Sand 1.5% max
Mercury 0.5 PPM max
Cadmium 2.5 PPM max
Heat Damage 0.5 %max
Our Services

Buy Yellow Corn from a Wholesaler

The Service We Provide – We Take Care Of Your Order
Punctual delivery time:
We put your order into our tight production schedule, ensuring your punctual delivery time.
Production/inspection report before your order is packed.
Shipping notice/ insurance to you as soon as your order is shipped.

After-sales service: | Buy Yellow Corn from a Wholesaler

We respect your feedback after receiving the goods.
We provide 12-24 months warranty after goods arrive.
We log your complaint within 48 hours.

Professional sales:| Buy Yellow Corn from a Supplier

We value every inquiry sent to us, ensuring a quick competitive offer.
We cooperate with customers to bid tenders. Provide all necessary documents.

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